The Seller's Right to Remedy in the Light of The Vienna Convention on The International Sale of Goods (CISG) 1980 (A comparative study)


  • Murtadha Jumaa Ashoor Faculty of Law, Dhi Qar University


    The seller's right to cure is the subject of a scientific and practical significance both particularly at the level of the International Sale of Goods to raise the Problems of research and in terms of actual practice, and see that the cure really is a question under the provisions of the general rules on compensation in kind and based on the duty to mitigate the damage and see that his works limited to violations is essential with our reservations on the concept of fundamental violation in addition to the occasion and doesn't know the seller of the defect cure requirement, however, that this technical scale should his works within the procedural scope and do screening and mutual notifications, resulting in as much as possible to save the contract and reduce the economic losses not only for the parties of the contract but also, for the other parties associated with the contract of sale.





