Commitment to media in insurance contract A comparative study


  • Yousef Odeh Ghanem Albasrah university College of Law
  • Gany Raisan Albasrah university College of Law


The obligation to provide information is one of the means adopted by the majority of legislation in order to stabilize transactions, ensure the validity of contracts and avoid disputes arising in connection with their implementation by extending legal protection to the will of the general contractor and the consumer in particular.


If the prevailing situation requires professional or professional obligation to provide information as the stronger party in all respects, particularly knowledge of the contract data and location, this does not preclude imposing the obligation to provide information in certain cases to the consumer itself; Information that is not recognized by the professional and that affects the decision of the latter on the contract.


The insurance contract is a welcome field for obligating the consumer to provide information both in the pre-contract phase and in the contract execution stage. The obligation of the insured to make statements is the main source of the insured's access to the information on which his decision to accept the insurance contract depends. And also depends on the insured's knowledge also determine the value of the installment payable as a cover to cover the risk in place of insurance.


Which means that there is a corresponding obligation to provide information between the parties to the insurance contract, both of which have important statements that are ignorant of the other party justified justification, despite its role in enlightening his will and determine his position on the conclusion of the contract with the other party





