Iegislative authority of executive pranch and its possible implementation in the 2005 Constitution of Iraq


  • Hawraa Hider AbraHiem


This study present  the  matter  of  the  delegation by the legislation authority Of  some  suretions  and  which  granted  by  the  constution  for  the executive  authority through  as the scholars  called (legislation authrization) marring The legislation  mutual mission between  both of  legislation and executive Authority specially when all main organs in the state used to  be seprat and each of  them perform  distinct  function of powers :which save the legislative Authority  important  role to issuaree laws in considretion the malere  of laws it’s the moin  of  legislative authority.        But this facts have been changed  because of rapidly development and other  reasone  refected on both  organs(legislation and executive) now days the role  slative  authority seems to  be dimishe and the  increasing  of the executive authority  role to interfere and taking on its behalfe   the legislative power  as lorg  as her  role  exrated in different filed to organize .all of that its because the excutive atilily finding quick some time to the excting problem for that the role of excutive beig complementtry to the legislation.





